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April 2, 2017 Judges Critique Regular Classes

Anna C. Tyler (Judge)

Thank you to the Richmond Afghan Hound Club for the invitation to judge their Specialty. The Club members put on a wonderful show and made me feel very welcome. I want to thank the exhibitors for entering their very high quality dogs - the depth of quality and beauty of the entry was very gratifying and I enjoyed my assignment very much.


I was especially pleased that Junior Showmanship was offered by the RAHC. The Open Intermediate and Best Junior was Alexis Kendall Jones. Ms. Jones shows great promise and has a gentle but firm and practiced hand with the dogs. She fairly melts into the background with the dog as she navigates her charge around the ring - not over -whelming but guiding her dog using only necessary movements. She has a very pleasant demeanor and is a total delight in the ring. If only there were 100 more like her coming up - we could all wish to be as skilled showing a dog.

Junior Dog, 12 - 18 Month

#5 - Paladins Sweet Justice of Spice Hill at Windwood This young dog was very handsome with lovely conformation and shows great promise. He had good balance and carriage.

Bred by Exhibitor Dog

# 23 - High Kaliber's Air Jordan This very young dog had my interest from the start. A masculine dog that fits our standard nicely with a hard, well-toned body that was very pleasing to go over. A balanced, natural easy movement that got better and more fluid as he went around. He was my Winner's Dog / Award of Merit to finish his Championship that day.

Open Dog

#9 - Komar's Kruis' N Round A young man who likes to perform. Very showy and willing to move when asked. He was nice to go over and felt good to the hand. He was my Reserve to Winner's Dog this day.

Bred by Exhibitor Bitch

#16 - High Kaliber's Lunar Epic
This feminine black and silver was Winner’s Bitch and Best of Winner's. She is squarely built, with a very level back, good croup and tail set. Beautiful head and keen eye. Most important and the reason she won is how she used herself with balanced reach and drive- she has stylish, powerful movement going around the ring.
#8 - High Kaliber's Swoosh
Littermate to #16 WB/BOW This young girl is very much like her sister and was my Reserve to Winner's Bitch and I like her very much as well, but on this day she was out moved by her litter sister.

Open Bitch

#10 - Spice Hill Dawning Feminine and lovely. I liked this girl very much. It was very close but she was just out moved by #16 on the day.

Best of Breed

#19 - GCH Agha Djari's Fifth Dimension of Sura Stallion - confident and sure of himself. Leggy yet square, elegant yet powerfully built with a level top and perfect croup and tail. Great front on this dog. Beautiful head piece and dark glittery eyes - nicely shaped eye. This young stallion has a very nice long neck to smooth withers - a dream to go over. When this dog moves, however, he takes your breath away. Great head carriage and kept a very hard outline while moving with very long, powerful yet easy, effortless strides with great balance front and rear. Movement that is not over done and leant the impression he could do this all day long. It was my great pleasure to award him Specialty Best In Show on this day.

Best of Opposite Sex

#18 - GCH Greatest Love of All A touch of Freedom Exquisite Black and Silver bitch with lovely conformation. Nice level topline, well sprung rib cage and short powerful loin. She was a lovely, efficient mover and was very balanced front and rear. Very feminine and was also the dam of Winner's Dog, Winner's Bitch, Reserve Winner's Bitch and not surprisingly Best Brood Bitch as well.

Select Dog

# 15 - Ch. Ziv Hii's Blue Flame Cruze This dog was very eye catching with a very pretty head and eye. He was very nice to go over and moved very well. The entry at this show was really very strong.

Select Bitch

# 12 - Ch Kasban Chandelier This bitch was very showy and quite lovely to go over and was very nice on the move. I loved her patterning and elegance.

Award of Merit

# 14 - G Ch Exquisite Sign of the Mermaid Really a very beautiful bitch. The entry was beautiful at this show and too few ribbons to go around.

#23 - High Kaliber's Air Jordan See Winner's Dog above.

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Last updated June, 2018 by: RAHC Webmaster